Saturday, May 23, 2009

spring cleaning

Ah, that time of the year again, when you realize just how much crap you have accumulated. For me, it was mostly papers. Old notes and tests that I always told myself I'd go back and review, but never did and now have no inclination to ever do so. I think the oldest papers were from 2004 ... five years! Sheesh, I can be such a pack rat. So I started the long process of going through all my folders and sorting the stuff I wanted to keep (a very small pile indeed) and papers for recycling. The latter stack is about eight inches high and I'm only about half done.


But I also found some pretty cool stuff mixed in with my old school papers. Namely, some black and white images my sister had found in some old book and some old bookmarks that match my summer reading! I borrowed "Mere Christianity" from a friend over a year ago, and since I still haven't read it and we're graduating next year, I figure I really need to read it and hand it back. And then my sister bought me "Prodigal Summer", so I'll read that. I was just uber-excited because I found both green and gray bookmarks that match the covers! Ah, the simple joys in life.

So yes, I'm supposed to be working on projects and what-not, but I'm cleaning and organizing for the time-being with a lot of planning on the side. Once I get back to my apartment and I start a more normal schedule with school, work, and reading, it'll probably be easier to set aside some crafting time. Well, that's the plan. And in even sadder news, froze the hard drive, did nothing, so now I'm kind of screwed. I could shell out for professional recovery of my files, but that costs money which I don't really have.

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