Saturday, October 29, 2011

life of a carrot cake

One of my roommates (roomie I) had her birthday a few days ago so the rest of us decided to make a carrot cake for her. Fun times in our apartment! We used this recipe that I had used before except without pecans, and currants instead of raisins. After some carpal-tunnel-inducing carrot grating (thanks to roomie J and myself), we got the batter together.

It baked up pretty nice, but the darned thing wouldn't come out of the bundt cake pan even after I banged on it for forever.

However, it eventually did come out thanks to roomie D and a knife, and roomie D then whipped up the icing and sprinkled it all nicely with Halloween sprinkles. Cute, eh?

It was yummy. It got devoured pretty fast, leaving only a little bit for the fridge.

After the above picture was taken, roomie J opened the fridge (which isn't very organized) and the cake came tumbling out. Sad. So yep, the rest of it basically ended up in the trash.

Thus ends the story of this carrot cake's life. We still have extra carrots left, so carrot cake #2 might be on its way soon. Because it was yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! I'm salivating for that last piece of cake! What a tragedy it ended up in the trash! Sigh. LOl

    Michelle (Ryleighsmom) from Promoting your Blog 2~ Swap Bot
