Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ionic blooms

I haven't posted in a good long while. Ugh, who knew graduate school could entail so much work? Well, here's a drawing a did a good long while ago.

According to my sketchbook, I drew this June 10, 2010. I remember drawing it on the plane ride from the US to China and some of the Chinese people nearby were watching me do all these drawings and kept asking me about what I was drawing. My Chinese was pretty lacking at the time so the only way I could explain it was to say "flowers" but I don't think they quite understood. Ha. The plane ride itself was pretty horrible (middle seat for a REALLY long flight) so I was really glad to be able to talk to someone to break up the boredom.

Eventually I'll get around to turning it into an Illustrator file, but right now I just don't have that kind of time. Sigh. Off to do more homework now.

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