Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the hunt for snackages

I haven't posted in a while because I haven't made anything in a while. Yeah ... school has basically sucked me in. I can spend the entire day in studio and feel like no time at all has passed. That space truly is a black hole of time. Sigh. I made oatmeal cookies the other day but those got decimated pretty quickly . Today I made potato bread and granola bars, which I thought would be great for studio snacks.

The bread was yummy. I sliced it up and stuck a bunch of it in the freezer. I'll probably have that for toast in the mornings. As for the 'granola bars,' ... um, I guess they turned out decently enough. I put chocolate on them because all great granola bars have chocolate. They don't look very appetizing, but they're still edible. They're kind of sticky though (from the honey in the recipe), so I won't be making them again. Cookies are so much simpler to make ... and to eat.

And speaking of cookies, they sold Girl Scout cookies near campus today! It was very exciting. And goodness gracious those suckers sold FAST. I thought Girl Scout cookie season started a while ago, but this is the first time I've seen them being sold up in my neighborhood. That little table basically got swarmed. It was kind of entertaining watching a bunch of college students go crazy for Girl Scout cookies. I got two boxes of Caramel deLites (aka Samoas), which are the BEST COOKIES EVER, and two minutes later when I walked by again, they were out.

I won't be bringing the Girl Scout cookies to studio (because I'm too afraid others are going to eat them!) and I probably won't bring the granola bars to studio either (because the stickiness is too annoying), so I still need some studio snack food! I might just go out and buy some Craisins. Although the last bag of Craisins I had went really, really fast. I need something healthy, filling, energy-sustaining, and easy to eat. It's always amazing just how much food I can consume just sitting at a computer in studio.

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