Sunday, December 11, 2011

procrastination (er, study) cookie(s)

It's finals time! Ugh. One more week until I get to go home! Basically all I have left are two papers and one presentation, so it shouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately, I'm having an awfully hard time motivating myself.

One cookie is pictured. Many were eaten.

I need sugar to work, and since we're low on flour I made oatmeal cookies (these cookies). And because I felt like they needed more sugar, I made them oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yay! This is why I like baking. It's good for procrastinating, but it also yields morsels of yumminess which improve the studying. Therefore I feel like my little baking foray doesn't really count as procrastination because it was productive. Right? Yeah, this is how I justify things to myself. Wish me luck!

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